Friday, July 30

Red IS My Color

The title of this blog is something that many of you think you already know – Red IS My Color.  Yeah, I've worn red my entire life… especially in the fall.  (GO DAWGS & ROLL TIDE)  This red is a different kind of red – this red is Mary Kay RED.

When I first began my Mary Kay business at the end of March this year, I decided that I wanted to go as far as possible, as fast as possible. (Besides, who wouldn't want aFREE caddie in PINK?!)  One of my first milestones just happened last week when I received my official promotion to Senior Beauty Consultant.  I was awarded my Mary Kay beauty coat and given my pin enhancer.  I'll be honest, I was a happy, but not super excited.  All that meant to me was that I was halfway to my first goal… (my go big or go home goal) but that all changed on Tuesday. 

Let me begin the SUPER EXCITING part by saying this: my mom is amazing.  She has been SO supportive of my business being an excellent customer and spreading the word about the Mary Kay opportunity.  Well, she finally was able to be rewarded as a talent scout when she helped me recruit my third team member this week!  This put me to my next promotion, Star Recruiter, helped me achieve my first HUGE milestone and put me into my RED JACKET!  Now many of you think I'm nuts because I'm so excited about a red jacket, and that is understandable.  All I can say is know that it is a big deal.  I'm moving as fast as I possibly can to hit goals that will put me on target to debut as a Sales Director in January – changing my red to blue!

I am so excited that God placed such an amazing opportunity in my life to help be support my soon-to-be family (soon is an understatement… we are down to 51 days folks!), to help me grow in such an amazing way and to allow me to meet such amazing women. 

Some other exciting news on the Mary Kay front is that I will be going on target for my first car in August (yes, this August… as in two days from now).  My team is a strong one and I am so blessed to be able to work with such amazing women. 

Good Times & God Bless, 

Monday, July 12

Tybee 2010: Report 1

Oh Tybee, how we adore you! The trip has been a BLAST so far and we still have an entire we of fun in the sun!

Just a quick update...

Wednesday, July 7

Reception Tables

About a month ago, someone asked me about how the wedding was going... The conversation went a little like this:
     Other: "How is the planning coming along?"
     Steph: "Pretty much done... Need to get rolling on my invites, but other than that I'm good."
     Other: "You have everything? Caterer? Flowers? Linens?"
     Steph: "Oh yeah! My cousin is catering, Brandon's aunt is doing the flowers & we registered for all out linens."
     Other: "Uh, I meant linens for the reception tables..."
     Steph: "Ohhhh.... Forgot about those. Oops!"

I knew that tables needed to be covered at wedding receptions, but I didn't think about WHO was responsible for it. Guess I just assumed it was gonna get done. Ha!

I started my search for the best fit. Like I said in the invitation post (see here), I want the simple, southern, elegance theme throughout - I want people to be comfortable, but think "how nice!"... Got it?

To tie in to the "Simple" & "Southern" part of the theme, the tables will be decorated with antique mason jars of all sizes! I just love the old blue shade the glass has... It also leads to a little more casual feel.

There are going to be three different heights on our tables that will scatter throughout the room on the 15 tables. The first is the short look - blending fall leaves with an overturned Mason jar. (Please excuse the bad pictures and horrible arranging skills I have... just imagine perfection here.)

The second is two medium sized Mason jars, one holding flowers - spider mums, etc - and one overturned.

The third is one large Mason jar with tall glads.
To tie it all together, here is the picture i found of the table layout I wanted. I love the look of this table! It is simple & was exactly the inspiration I needed... Instead of the blue, we are going with black.
Whew... Tablescapes are hard work!  What were your tables like at your reception?  Any thoughts on mine? 

Good Times & God Bless,