Wednesday, July 7

Reception Tables

About a month ago, someone asked me about how the wedding was going... The conversation went a little like this:
     Other: "How is the planning coming along?"
     Steph: "Pretty much done... Need to get rolling on my invites, but other than that I'm good."
     Other: "You have everything? Caterer? Flowers? Linens?"
     Steph: "Oh yeah! My cousin is catering, Brandon's aunt is doing the flowers & we registered for all out linens."
     Other: "Uh, I meant linens for the reception tables..."
     Steph: "Ohhhh.... Forgot about those. Oops!"

I knew that tables needed to be covered at wedding receptions, but I didn't think about WHO was responsible for it. Guess I just assumed it was gonna get done. Ha!

I started my search for the best fit. Like I said in the invitation post (see here), I want the simple, southern, elegance theme throughout - I want people to be comfortable, but think "how nice!"... Got it?

To tie in to the "Simple" & "Southern" part of the theme, the tables will be decorated with antique mason jars of all sizes! I just love the old blue shade the glass has... It also leads to a little more casual feel.

There are going to be three different heights on our tables that will scatter throughout the room on the 15 tables. The first is the short look - blending fall leaves with an overturned Mason jar. (Please excuse the bad pictures and horrible arranging skills I have... just imagine perfection here.)

The second is two medium sized Mason jars, one holding flowers - spider mums, etc - and one overturned.

The third is one large Mason jar with tall glads.
To tie it all together, here is the picture i found of the table layout I wanted. I love the look of this table! It is simple & was exactly the inspiration I needed... Instead of the blue, we are going with black.
Whew... Tablescapes are hard work!  What were your tables like at your reception?  Any thoughts on mine? 

Good Times & God Bless,

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