In loving honor of the
sweetest man I was ever blessed to know…
Etched coffee mug “WKE” stained from God’s boxed nectar,
Warm summer days of kickball in the yard,
cool nights
of roasting marshmallows by the pool.
Ripened tomatoes – tested and cleaned in the chlorinated
Blue lighted water to swim in by night,
– dah- lahlly in the sky.
Imaginary towns made from cardboard & matchbox cars,
Shot behind the back – the best pool game teacher ever,
Drafters desk & electric
A garden of love with grandchildren’s’ names etched
Yard work in a bathing suit, tennis shoes & “Take this
job & Shove It” hat,
Grow Dammnit!
Chinese food & spaghetti with carrots,
Smoked ham & grilled burgers,
Watch it… SPORT.
Worshiper of Christ and lover of family,
Giving heart rests peacefully now,
Grandaddy ever…