My absence is due, in part, to my recent trip to the Redneck Riviera. That’s right folks – Panama City Beach! The trip, my second ever to PCB, was a great one. In a nutshell, the vacation consisted of:
“I love a great bridge” + 190 Octanes with Bama buddies + pool nazis and meth mouth + fireworks on the beach with Nashville Fans… and in the room + Hammerhead Fred’s + LONG walks + “Beat It” for MJ (RIP) + Jaeger bombs + Gilligan’s Island… Hunt Style leading to salty Subway + flounder underfoot + jellyfish sting… no pee please + relaxing beach time + stilt chicks and “Sweet Home Alabama” at Margaritaville = GREAT FAMILY VACATION!!

One story that I MUST elaborate on from our vacation is something that I like to call Gilligan’s Island… Hunt Style.
A couple days into the vacation, the family decided to take a pontoon ride out to Shell Island. (Let me interrupt here and mention that there really are very few shells on Shell Island… stupid Florida people.) Monday morning, meteorologists were calling for storms all day, but as we all know, they can be wrong 90% of the time. As 1 o’clock approached and the sun shone, we packed into the cars and drove down to the marina to load up and hit the sea. The sky was starting to get a little darker, but nothing that would spook us from our adventure. With Timbo at the wheel, we headed out into the bay with the storms quickly approaching at our backs. Once at the island, the rain began to fall in sheets. The guys all jumped off the boat and started running around the island like maniacs in the storm, while the ladies stayed on board under a makeshift shelter (made from plastic floats – great buy Deb!)
Just as we started to settle in for the storm, Timbo called out for everyone to follow him. We all jumped from the boat and took off up the sand dunes. Trekking across the island for 30 minutes in the rain really puts a damper on things (no pun intended) and, as you know, I’m not one with nature. Walking through the islands wilderness was not bad, now that I’m safely home, but at the time, I was freaking out. By this time, lightning began to flash overhead and I, being terrified of thunderstorms, was at my wits end. As we made our way back to the pontoon that had been tossed and thrown up onto the sand, the storm slowly passed.
Just as we started to settle in for the storm, Timbo called out for everyone to follow him. We all jumped from the boat and took off up the sand dunes. Trekking across the island for 30 minutes in the rain really puts a damper on things (no pun intended) and, as you know, I’m not one with nature. Walking through the islands wilderness was not bad, now that I’m safely home, but at the time, I was freaking out. By this time, lightning began to flash overhead and I, being terrified of thunderstorms, was at my wits end. As we made our way back to the pontoon that had been tossed and thrown up onto the sand, the storm slowly passed.
After getting back to the marina my nerves were shot, but like Timbo said “at least we had an adventure!”
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