Today I was blessed to spend some time chatting with the amazing Connie Kittson. Those of you who are not in the “Pink Bubble” do not know how amazing her achievements are – just take it from me, I was honored for the time.
We spoke about my current place. Not necessarily where I am physically, but mentally & emotionally; how these places are changing my business; how these places are helping my family – hurting my family. She said several things that I scratched onto a piece of paper that will be carefully folded and stuck into my purse for future pick ups. Some I have to share here.
“Switch it off”
One of the troubles I’ve had is balancing the hats I wear – I’m a wife, a marketing professional, a Mary Kay beauty consultant, and a friend/family member/stranger/etc. Each part of my life should receive equal parts and right now, I’m not doing the best at switching from one part of life to the next. Connie described it as this:
Men are able to focus on the task at hand. When they are at work, they work. When they are playing golf, they golf. They do not think about the negative environment here or the deadline approaching there. Women, on the other hand, scatter from one corner of life to the next always blurring the “hats” by crossing negativity or positive thoughts from one place to the next. It’s time to think like a man. (chuckle here)
The box shows the 4 portions of my life at this time. As life changes, my boxes will have to tweak to accommodate. As you see, I’ve split everything equally to show that every part of life has its time, its place and its importance. Of course, I’ll always be a wife, but now I’ve got time set aside for that and only that. “Be present in the present”.
“What legacy do you want to leave?”
I want to be known for so much more than just the marketing coordinator of an art gallery. Life should be about making strides in the lives of others; it should be about using the talents that God blessed each of us with. When Connie asked me that question I didn’t have an answer – never before have I thought about what I want to leave behind. Living each day for the day, I’ve missed on thinking about the longevity that will last long after I am gone. What DO I want to leave when I’m called home?
It is time to start living for my legacy. I shall “step into [my] greatness” and “allow the talents God gifted [me] to shine”.
Much love, BIG dreams & blessings,

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