Tuesday, November 30

Christmas Cards

One thing that I LOVE to do - besides writing & blogging of course - is using my creativity and design skills to create some really cute stuff!  I designed our Christmas cards last year and thought I'd give it another go this year... I love it. 

As you can see, my design taste is very simple.  Less is more.  I am a sucker for clean lines and contemporary styled fonts.

I also decided to design a Christmas card for my mom.  Jennifer, my brother's girlfriend, took this precious picture of our pug Zorro this summer.  I thought he needed a santa hat for the season!  Cute huh?

Need some holiday cards?  I'd love to help!  I create them and turn them into jpegs so I can print at home to save money OR upload to a site like Shutterfly or Vistaprint depending on the stock I want to use.

Good Times & God Bless,

1 comment:

  1. fun! designing your own is so much more cost-efficient, that's for sure! haven't even thought twice about doing ours yet haha.
