Although the mom's of M.D's love the old, the older an the oldest of things, I think us "D's" are going to bring a fresh appeal to the newly renamed booth. It's pretty exciting to think that I have a spot to share my crafts and my bargain finds with Gwinnett County y'all! Woo!
See, long ago when I decided to scoot off to college, my mom said she needed a hobby. With the support of her group of girlfriends, they joined forces and started an antique booth at a lovely shop called Vintage Village located in Snellville, Georgia. Through the years, the booth has flourished and has become a staple in my mom's life.
The cool part is that effective April 1, I'm joining the fun! (I know, like I have spare time). Due to life, and we all know how that is sometimes, one of my mom's partners has decided to step down leaving a space for me & my best to jump on in! I'm excited and plan on making a few crafts to jumpstart my sales... Some earring holders to be exact. I've blogged about making them before, so I'll revisit when the time comes.
Until then, it's time to prep with sales tickets and items! Come on down in April for a look at the place.
Location:Snellville, GA
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